Teeth Whitening

One of the most requested and popular cosmetic dental treatments at our practice is Teeth Whitening. Over time, teeth naturally darken, and can discolour due to a build up of surface stain from things such as tea, coffee, red wine as well as habits like smoking and poor oral hygiene. Teeth whitening can be a simple, safe and effective method to improve the overall look of your smile.

At Absolute Smiles we offer 2 teeth whitening options:

1) Zoom In-Chair Whitening

This in-chair whitening procedure typically takes 90 minutes and is completed in one visit. A specially formulated hydrogen peroxide gel is applied to the teeth along with protective gum barriers to ensure maximum safety. A special Zoom Whitening light activates the gel, resulting in up to 6-8 shades of whiter teeth.


2) Take-home whitening kit

A custom-made take-home whitening kit is a great option for patients wanting the flexibility of whitening their teeth at home. Kits include custom-fitting trays and Zoom professional whitening gel, with the option of either Day time or Night time whitening gels.


A thorough examination will always be conducted in a separate consultation prior to any teeth whitening, to determine if a patient is a candidate for the procedure. Antibiotic staining (ie: tetracycline staining), heavy smokers, untreated cavities and patients with existing porcelain work on their front teeth may not be suitable candidates, however this is determined on a patient by patient basis.

Teeth whitening can last anywhere between 12-18 months, but is largely determined by habits such as smoking, tea, coffee and red wine consumption. Touch ups at least annually are recommended in order to maintain results.

Professional teeth whitening is clinically proven to cause no harm to the enamel or gums when applied by a properly trained dental practitioner. For this reason, it is essential prior to any dental whitening procedure that your teeth and gums are examined thoroughly by one of our dentists.

The most common side effect of teeth whitening is sensitivity. This is usually temporary and alleviates a fews days following the procedure. De-sensitizing products will be provided with all treatments to help keep sensitivity to a minimum.

Unfortunately only natural tooth enamel structure responds to whitening treatments. Existing fillings may need to be replaced post-whitening to match the newly whitened teeth. Patients seeking cosmetic work such as veneers and composite bondings will often choose to whiten their teeth first, in order to match the work to their newly whitened teeth. This is all assessed at an initial consultation appointment.

Zoom In-chair whitening starts at $700 and may be partially claimable on Private Health Insurance.
Take home kits start from $350.