Sleep & Sedation Dentistry

Like other health issues, dental problems when ignored or left untreated can quickly turn from a minor issue that is relatively simple to solve, to a major dental problem requiring expensive and complex treatment.

The days of avoiding the dentist due to fear and anxiety are gone.

Sleep Dentistry refers to medications that dentists and anaesthetists use to help patients relax or go to sleep during their treatment.

At Absolute Smiles Mt Hawthorn, we offer 3 types of sedation and sleep dentistry, according to each individual patients needs, anxiety levels and treatment plan:


General Anaesthetic:
More invasive surgical procedures such as wisdom teeth removal, and major implant surgery is often performed in a hospital setting under a General Anaesthetic, with our dental surgeon Dr Tony Strangio and a fully qualified Anaesthetist Doctor. This type of anaesthesia ensures no memory of the procedure.


Twilight sedation:
Twilight or Intra-Venous (IV) sedation is a form of sleep dentistry that is carried out at our treatment rooms by a fully qualified Anaesthetic doctor. Similar to a general anaesthetic, most patients have little to no memory of the procedure, and is an excellent option for patients requiring almost any type of dental treatment, such as extractions, multiple fillings, implants and even deep cleaning.


Conscious sedation:
In patients who have mild to moderate anxiety, oral medications such as Diazepam are administered in the chair prior to the procedure, allowing patients to experience a feeling of calm and relaxation whilst still being awake.

Our experienced dentist will consult with you to determine which type of sedation will meet your individual needs in the best way possible.