Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding or “Bruxism” is a very common condition that affects up to an estimated 1 in 3 adults. Grinding is often a subconscious habit that occurs habitually in our sleep and is often related to stress. Many patients are completely unaware that they are grinding or clenching, with the only tell-tale signs being grinding facets on the biting surface of the teeth where the enamel has worn away.

Whilst there is no magical cure for grinding, protection of the teeth once a grinding habit has been identified is crucial in preventing serious future problems. An Occlusal Splint (also known as a “Nightguard”) can be custom made and worn during the night to prevent any further damage to the teeth. A nightguard not only protects the enamel from wearing away, it reduces the forces on the muscles and teeth, which can help alleviate headaches and pain in the teeth and jaws.

In the long term, bruxing and clenching can cause significant damage to the teeth as well as other symptoms, including:

– Loss and wear of tooth structure (enamel)

– Chipped and fractured teeth

– Cracks

– Abfractions (enamel loss around gumline)

– Hypersensitivity & toothache

– Headaches

– Tight and sore Jaw muscles

In some patients, Botox injections in the grinding muscles can be used alongside a nightguard to further help alleviate symptoms such as headaches and soreness in the jaws. Your dentist will discuss if this treatment is appropriate for you.